Saturday, November 10, 2007

St. Maarten

So we have been in St. Maarten for 2 months and I haven't posted a blog yet. It's funny because the reason I started this blog was for the fact that we came here. We are always pretty busy at work, which is why I haven't posted anything yet, but we also have a lot of fun too. We go to the beach almost any day we have off. As you can probably imagine, the beaches on this island are amazing! We also like to go snorkeling with our friends from the ward. There are a few other married couples in our ward from the states. They are here to attend medical school for 2 years. All of them have children, which makes Brittany extremely baby hungry. We don't have any set plans for having a baby yet, but I'm sure when we do I will post it on here. It's great to have people to hang out with because in Hyannis, MA there was nobody. I love my wife more than anything in the world, but it's always nice to have people to hang out with.

Besides Brittany and I, there are two other interns that are here to manage the other Del Sol store we just opened about 3 weeks ago. I was in charge of almost everything that had to do with opening the second store. Also, when the new interns arrived I had to train them on all the store operations. I really enjoy my job, but sometimes it can be stressful, just like any other job. The other two interns are single LDS guys. One of them is a returned missionary, Seth and the other has yet to go, Brandon. We live in the same complex as them, and our stores are very close together. Because of this, we share a car, which is good because then the cost is divided between the four of us. Also gas is more than $4 a gallon here, so we share that cost as well. The two guys have been here a month and our arrangement with the car seems to be working out alright.

To wrap it up, we are enjoying our stay here on the beautiful caribbean island of St. Maarten. We have played with the idea of staying for another 4 months, but for right now that thought is gone and we are planning on coming home in January. This way Brittany can finish her last semester at SUU, then we can move up to Salt Lake where I can find a permanent job, Britt can do her student teaching and we can start having kids. This is our plan, but the way things have been going in our lives, it can change at any time.


Nate said...

Hey! I Love the imbedded slideshows! Wha... How... you gotta teach me how to do it (that is unless I go to picassa and figure it out in the next 5 min.) Sweet view you guys have there!
Keep up the good work, and check out my blog, I'm updating it right now! See you around.

Kyle said...

Hi Chad! This is whitney, I Like your blog. I love your slideshow from our wedding and your pictures from paradise make me jealous! Anyway, Kyle and I have a blog too so you should check it out. I am gonna link your blog to ours. You should do the same with ours.
Ours is
Tell Britt hi!

Courtney said...

I am so glad you have a blog on here, they are the best! But it would be better if you'd update it...

The link to mine is

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.